Thursday, February 16, 2006

My Party

You are my party Brice! But if my family has a party for me I'll make sure you are invited and I will tell you where it is so you can come and eat cake with me ;)

Thanks for talking on the phone with me for so long.

I am the yellow ranger, you are green and your mom is pink. We will watch the Power Rangers in Space movie together!


Monday, January 09, 2006

Answers for your great Questions

Your questions make me very happy. I am thankful you take the time to get to know me.

You asked my favorite color and animal. Those are great questions.

I like lots of colors too. Green, Brown, Yellow and Red. These are my favorite colors to wear and to color with.

My favorite animals are:

Horses-they are smart and powerful
Cats - they are smart and independent. That means they kinda do their own thing without needing approval from others.
Dragons-they don't exist, but they are still one of my favorite animals ;)

Maybe tomorrow I will post pictures of my favorite colors, and my cat. Her name is PickMe.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

welcome to a new year


Happy New Year! It's a big year for you.

You are 5 now, and so many new experiences are ahead of you. You are going to have a great year!

This is the time of year when people say what the enjoyed most about last year,, and what they are looking forward to this year. What would your answer be?

I look forward to seeing you soon.


Friday, December 30, 2005

A phone call

It was really nice talking to you for so long on the phone Brice.
Thank you!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Another year older

Happy Birthday Brice!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Super Brice

Right between Christmas and your birthday. It was a cool idea for your mom to have your birthday party early.

Tell me about your presents and what you did for Christmas!

Monday, December 26, 2005

Hi Brice!

Hope you had a great Christmas, thanks for talking to me on the phone.